
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Celebrate Reading Across the Curriculum

This week and next, is a huge time for celebrating reading.  Anyone who teaches in the primary grades can tell you who is the most popular, but I will not.  I had some fantastic games made last year--they were my second ones to ever create since this huge venture.  It has since been deactivated due to copyright issues and not being able to even say a name...  or names... or character names.

Since they were perfectly good games, I gave them a recent wacky make over.  Check them out {LIT} and {MATH}.

If you have already purchased these, I wouldn't run out and buy these.  I did add a new game to the literacy pack, but since my old product was deactivated and deleted, I can't upload them to the old files....

I also gave my popular freebie of last year a makeover, so you can resume downloading!  My kids are enjoying last year's version as I have not printed this out and laminated it---but it's the same thing, just without the banned clip art ;)  Students will spin for tens and ones to make numbers.  Click on the picture to download your freebie!

Last, please make sure to check out my post about my Sentence Writing Boot Camp!  The proceeds from this packet are being donated to a family who had a tragedy hit them back in September.  Read about it here.  Click on the picture for more info!  (I am very thankful for those of you who have already purchased it!  So far we are up to a little over $50 to donate.  Every little bit counts---and is helpful)  XOXOXO

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

MIA, Sentence for a Cause and St. Patrick's Day!

I feel like I have been gone for a while!  I can't believe that February is almost over!  I think that wind we keep getting just blew it away!  We've finally celebrated our 100th Day and Valentine's Day... I've been feeling a bit "blah" about you know who's birthday coming up next week...  I now have mixed feelings about Dr. S*$#&! now, since we pretty much can't as much SAY the name without being in trouble!  But, alas.. I'll be doing a few little things next week in honor of a man who helps my firsties learn to read---and love to read!

My kids have been struggling with writing COMPLETE sentences.  We've only been working on them for like, what.  105 days?!  I decided a few weeks ago that we were going to have a Sentence Writing Boot Camp!  I've been slowly adding to it and putting things in that HAVE worked in the past that I haven't done this year yet.  They WILL be sentence writers by the time they are finished! ;)

{Click here to read more about the details of this packet at TPT or HERE for TN}

I also wanted to share that I'll be donating the proceeds that I get from this unit to the family of Bradley Fox.  I have this incredible friend from High School.  Of course, I haven't "seen" him since, but we kinda keep in touch on Facebook.  He has done so many great things for our country over the past 10 years.  He is a Marine.  This past September, one of his best friends was killed in the line of duty while chasing a hit and run incident in Philadelphia.  This story has just made me sad.  He left behind a small child AND a pregnant wife!  Tony is going to be participating in a Tough Mudder competition in June near Philly.  While running through a course that I just can't even imagine---he's going to fill a rucksack that will be filled with memories of his friend, Brad.  He is trying to raise money for the family.  You can read more about it here

When I read about his tribute this week, it was like someone was speaking to me because my latest "in development" project would fit perfectly with it!  (Though, I did NOT have any Marine clip art... sorry Tony!)  I want to say that I've never met the Fox family---but though Tony's words, I know they are great people and I have just been touched by the friendship that he had with Brad.  I just want to help out.  If you'd prefer to donate directly-you can do so at the above link to the website.  Thanks for considering donating!  Every little bit helps.

Before I go, I wanted to repost a freebie from last year for Saint Patrick's Day!  Of course it's math :)
Click on the picture to download your game!  (There are 2 different games when you download!  The first one is shown-rolling 2 dice and adding 10.  The second one has students rolling 3 dice and adding 10!)

Also-before I forget!  Make sure to check out this new digital magazine (click on the picture to take you there---it's a pic from the magazine):

There are great tips for teachers!  I know I can always use help with organizing the never ending paper piles, supplies, students...  ;)

Monday, February 11, 2013

Double Digits and Valentines

So, I'm gearing up for the tackling of the double digit adding and subtracting!  I feel like each year I teach this, things can go either way...  This year, I feel, is going to be one of those years.  So, what I did this past weekend, you may ask?!  lol  I created a packet to help me teach!  123 pages worth!  I am IN.LOVE with the results!  Now the task of copying, laminating and cutting sits ahead of me...  guess it's good that we've been stuck indoors for what feels like months!

Here's what is included:
{Click on this picture to read more about it over at TPT or here: TN}

 {6 double digit addition games and recording sheets}
{6 different subtraction games---most of which have 3 different levels of difficulty---aka-3 games that can be played--and recording sheets}

{2 Mixed games and 20+ practice worksheets; AND essential question posters!}

The best part is that you can use the games as reinforcement, practice or even assessment!  You can use the worksheets at the end as assessments too!  I made sure to cover many NBT standards.  Pair this with my Place Value Perfection packet, and your kids will master ALL NBT standards for first grade!  Yay! :)

While I was off doing this, I also created some generic comprehension pages to use this week.  

Click {HERE} to grab yourself copies!  

*The Love Is In The Air page is going to be a writing assignment this week for my kids to write what they think "Love is in the air" means.  ;)  I'm going to bind them as a class book to send home for parents to read.  

I have a few favorites I read every year including Love, Splat and Slugs in Love.  What are your favorites?

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Penguin Valentine Bags!

Here are the Valentine bags we make with our kids!

Click {HERE} to get the templates!  All you need is a black bag for each student--or you could just have them color white ones (as long as it's the ones that can be colored on---that aren't the shiny kind)  I realized I forgot to trace the heart for you.  They could make their own or you can provide some already made (from the diecut?!)  I had my kids trace their glue stick caps for the eyes---we have the fat ones.

Also-I just posted what I think is my new most favorite packet!  I found the most adorable borders from the Moffett Girls----and inspiration hit!  (actually, I've been planning on creating stuff for Click Clack Moo, but not at this very moment.)

Click {HERE} to read more!

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Heathy Foods and a Sale!

First---I have to share this picture of my own precious first grader.  He had to decorate his own Valentine bag at home... and well, my kiddos at school make penguin bags (which I'll have to share next week-cause we haven't made them yet this year to get a pic)  Our bags are black though.  And not a gift bag size.  J has been learning about penguins too---so naturally, I helped him decide to make his bag a penguin, instead of being all hearts and love---cause really--as much as he loves his momma---he is a boy.  who is 6.  who now thinks kissing is gross.  lol  (pardon the instagram filters---i was playing around with them again)

Next, I wanted to share a fun activity that I did with the kids.  I don't have a freebie for it, but it is in my packet Order Up! where you can find at my TPT store.  We've been spending a lot of time talking about healthy foods and food groups.  It always amazes me how some students just don't know their foods. 

It was a lesson on the fly, in a way.  I had planned on doing my activity out of the pack where students had to find food for customers.  I have clues on customer cards and food choices on other cards.  You can do it without the food and also have kids draw pictures/write ideas too.  As I was getting ready for the lesson, I remembered the fabulous Kinesthetic Teaching in the Classroom weekend class I took a few years ago---and an idea popped in my head!  Instead of having the food choices on desks, I pretty much just threw them all over the floor.  (Note-I had 10 sets---so it literally was my whole floor!  haha!)  I had kids work with a partner, and each had a number.  I would read the clue and then a number (1 or 2) Then the students would SILENTLY go find it.  After they were all back with their partners, THEN they could talk to each other to make sure they got the right food choice.  If not, the person in charge had to head back out to find what they needed.  Then, we discussed what the customer wanted and they drew and labeled it on their worksheet.

My challenging class was AMAZING!  You could have heard a pin drop!  And, it reminded me about how I love moving around and getting kids up.  It's something that is often forgotten with the daily grind... and I'm not talking about getting up and moving to different centers.  Moving WHILE learning is so much more meaningful.  It's also good for the brain and learning.

 {Middle of my class---there were more in the front and back sections}

 {Ready, set, go!  Looking for their customer's food!}

 {Recording their answers!}

This activity wasn't written in my packet, yet---that is, till I can have a chance to update and upload it...  I wanted to share how much fun they had! You could easily do this by just writing food choices on cards and throwing them everywhere in the room.  Just make sure you have enough copies of each card for the number of groups you want to be searching.  Otherwise you'll end up with racing, diving and other crazy things so they can get it first!  ;)

Also-I wanted to let you know that I'm participating in this weekend's TPT sale!  Everything will be 20% off and if you use the code: SUPER  you will get an additional 10% off!  Click on the adorable button made by my new favorite Ashley Hughes to head to my store!  I'm definitely going to be making a dent in my wishlist this weekend! 

PS----don't forget to leave feedback for credits!  You can seriously make out people!  I've gotten a lot of goodies for free or discounted thanks to the credits!!!!!!!!!  :)