
Thursday, June 25, 2015

Dare to Dream #tptsellerchallenge Week 2

TPT has been such a blessing to me already.  I started out putting my things up just so I could buy cute clip art to make things for my classroom.  While, that is still always my goal (to cover the cost of things I buy for the product), I now have additional goals since that one is usually reached pretty quickly.

1.  Family.  Without TPT, I'm pretty sure we could be a 4 person house.  TPT gives us extra money each month to help cover an additional kiddo in daycare....  1 more year of paying for 2 in daycare (my middle is going to K next year, but it's only half day around here... and half daycare care costs just about the same as a full day!).  We choose to send our kids to a daycare center for our own beliefs.  The center we use is just FABULOUS!  My middle child gets Spanish classes and also Physical education.  They are incredible with the arts (both art and music).  Because of TPT, I'm able to continue that.  While that is currently happening, it's still a goal that I have to reach.  We also like to give our kids life experiences as well and like to travel to different places.  We've been to Disney World countless times already (and we're heading there this summer as well), since I've started with TPT (a goal to pay for the trip), but I'd also like to start saving some money to go to places much further away than 2 hours on a plane....  Hawaii, Europe, Caribbean...  This will only happen with the littlest little gets a little bigger.  ha!

2.  School.  I want to be able to provide things in my classroom that isn't covered by my tiny budget (which I know isn't tiny compared to many, many places).   In addition to money----my goal is to continue to stay positive and focused on the students because of TPT.  When I get feedback that others use my things and how their admins love it too....  There's nothing that can top that feeling.  Things aren't as great in education these days and to get that kind of feedback just brings such a smile and happiness to my life.  Being able to help others be the best teacher they can brings such joy.  I can't wait to get back on the TPTing this year now that I've had 1/2 a year in my new grade!  I have quite a few things started that I'm excited about.  I just need to find some time to finish them---which is hard with so many littles running around this summer....  especially the BOY kind!  ha!

3.  Beach House.  Oh, how I would love to have my own place at the beach.  Now, while I'd just about die if I could ever afford those ones RIGHT on the beach....  I'd settle with any that is within 10 minutes of driving to the beach.  We love Delaware beaches, and head there every summer.  I've been going there since I've been a baby.  We used to have a family reunion camping trip every year there.  It was the best time of my life.  I do not feel completely relaxed till I can be there in the summer.  But, to be able to not worry about where to stay, when to go or if we have enough funds....  To pick up and go one weekend (that we don't have sports!) just because... and eat that bad yummy food!!!

I'm so thankful for TPT and the opportunities that it has brought me.  Thanks for sticking with me and reading!  XOXO

Friday, June 19, 2015

Common Core Checklists

Well, hello!  It's been quite some time since I've had a second to post.  Life is quite different with 3 boys!

This is the earliest summer break I've had in quite a few years.  I just finished my first week off.  Summer vacation hasn't really hit me yet.

This post is going to be about a few products that I've redone.  If you are like me, I need to have things printed out for me to make sure I'm doing what I'm supposed to do.  Sure, we have curriculum that we follow but we don't have programs.  I LOVE that.  I love that I can be more creative and selective in my teaching, but it's also quite draining. (reason 1056 of why I haven't had enough time to blog)  Even we did have a program to follow, there were still times that we needed to differentiate. I needed those standards printed out to make sure that I was covering them, and I didn't need them all jumbled up from the state (or country).  I've joined up with many fabulous new and old bloggers/TPTers for the #tptsellerchallenge.  This week was #makeovermadness and we were challenged to revise an old pack.  I decided to tackle these first.  Keep reading..

So, a few years ago when we jumped ship to the Common Core standards (well, not completely--cause my state had to rename and renumber them.... however they are essentially the same.  They eliminated a few standards but for the most part-the CCSS are the same as my state... it might be the same for others).  At the time we grouped kids homogeneously---even in first grade!  I had the high kids, so I knew I couldn't just follow our regular curriculum.  That's when I decided to make the checklists that I have out now.  Only.... they looked like this:

Click {HERE} to read all about it when I first uploaded them and to see what they looked like.

That was back when I first started making and creating on Teachers Pay Teachers.  I bought the clip art, but used freebies for everything else.  And, well... let's face it.  When you see my revisions with items that I've paid for (fonts, borders...) you notice quite the difference!  I am in LOVE with the new revisions, to the point where I may come back to using these next year.  (I've been using my owl ones instead...   but, these are more colorful)  Click on the pictures to see them in my TPT store.



Now, for GRADES 1-2, not only do they include the printable, but if you have PowerPoint, you can document electronically.  (other grades will be coming soon, I just need to find more time!) Unfortunately, at this time, I do not have a way for you to edit and add your own.... but, I may soon!  Make sure you are following me to find out if that happens! :)

****I'm still working on getting the K-6 bundle updated.  It will be done by the end of the weekend {fingers crossed}