
Wednesday, December 2, 2015

It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year... for classroom behavior?!

I want to share an oldie but goodie with you today and I'm linking up with my friends at i Teach Second.  One that I just absolutely love.  We do "bucket filling" at our school, but to do this, you don't NEED to be using it to be successful!

So, the biggest challenge going back after Turkey break--is the impending excitement of December.  I mean, what kid DOESN'T get excited about December, no matter what holiday they celebrate?  There's excitement all around, and in little bodies it's just harder to contain than in our bigger, adult bodies.  ;)

This is a quick, easy idea to get students thinking about others.  I created a little pack for filling STOCKINGS.  The pre-made recording sheet makes it simple for even the littlest-little to complete.  One extra step that I do is that I type up a class list of names for each student.  They circle their own name, so we know who's list it is when I find it on the floor it gets misplaced.

I realize that I do not have an example of the writing the kids did.  {I was out on maternity leave last year and didn't snap pics, obviously... and I'm unable to locate any from 2 years ago.  BUT-this pack is free, so feel free to download and decide for yourself if you think it's something you'd like!}  Click {HERE} or on the picture below to download your freebie!

Make sure to check out all my other friends' great ideas!

Tuesday, December 1, 2015


I can't believe it's December already.  I also can't believe that I'm linking up with this month's currently from Oh Boy, 4th Grade!

I'm currently listening to the dishwasher working... and it's not me or the hubs.  I'm excited because I just got all new dishes (a black friday "steal" for me!)  We are now a family of 5.. and had 8 settings that were starting to chip, crack and break.  With only 8 plates... that meant doing dishes almost every day!  

Loving-that it's December.  While it's crazy, chaotic and just plain tiring sometimes... it's my favorite month.  It's full of excitement and wonder.  It's full of family and fun and LOTS of traditions.

Thinking--there's NO way I'm getting everything done.  THREE kids.  What was I thinking?!  ha!  So much to wrap and do... plus there's that thing called SCHOOL!?  And we go to the bitter end of December 23... and that's even a full day.  I know it'll be here in a blink though.

Wanting-a maid.  Who wouldn't?!  My littles just aren't keeping up and would never make a good maid.  For that fact-neither would I.  I have a mentality that they are only little once and I'd rather not miss out on family fun because I was cleaning the house....  though.  A clean house is a happy one!  Or, maybe we could say a relatively clean house?!  {How clean is it ever going to be with 3 boys and a husband???}

Needing-SLEEP!  My littlest is not sleeping... Now, I always blame everything on teething.  But, I think it's true this time.  Tonight I saw what looked to be an outline of a molar ready to come through!  Poor thing has had fevers off an on... and just crying in his sleep, if he's not crying awake.  Add in that thing called school and I'm just beat..

Tree---REAL!  I used to always have a fake one... then we found a tradition about 4-5 years ago.  There's a local tree farm near us that takes you out to their trees on a horse drawn wagon...  We always go on Black Friday after lunch with my parents.  This year the weather was beautiful.  Here's a few pics from our day:

We FINALLY found the perfect tree after walking around FOREVER! 

Chopping it down!  My biggest Little actually cut most of it down, after daddy and grandpa helping him get started.

Getting ready to decorate... the littlest little was a bit drool-y... he also had a fever that night, but was in good spirits.  He loved throwing the ornaments like they were balls...