
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Random, Freebie and a Sale

This week WAS going to be all about Dr. Seuss.  But the more that I started planning for this week, it became a rather random week, ending with Dr. Seuss.  First, we've been finishing up Mr. Popper's Penguins.  This was actually my first time reading it!  (It is a suggested reading for First Grade in the Common Core LA--for Vocabulary, I believe)  Quick note-we started a new Vocabulary program this year that is just F.A.B.U.L.O.U.S!  (Elements of Reading-Vocabulary;  We do not have any of the other programs this company offers).  Mr. Popper's Penguins uses SO many of our vocab words that we have learned so far this year, it's just incredible!  The student's eyes light up each time a new one is read.  So, it definitely was a good match to the Common Core and to our Vocab program!  Too bad the movie is nothing really like the book..... I used to love watching movies and have kids write and persuade me to what I should do next year if I could only choose one thing (watch the movie or read the book).  But I just don't feel right showing it.

So-Mr. Popper's Penguins is an alliteration!  This week I introduced it to my kiddos.  We read If I Were an Alliteration (found in our school library).  The I was going to have the kids create their own alliteration.  I had a "light bulb" go off right before I was going to have them figure out their own.  We had been working on Alphabetical Order all year---I decided to have them get up and move to put THEMSELVES in ABC order.  I let them decide how to do it (but I did step in and help the few that weren't so "motivated" to figure it out.)  Then I wrote their names up on the chart paper in ABC order and they sat back down on the rug.  They turned to their shoulder partner and brainstormed verbs to use with their names.  (Not all were sitting next to someone with the same letter)  It was neat watching them interact and help each other out.  I need to give them more opportunities the HELP each other.  They do work together to do things, but I think it's important to learn how to help each other and use nice words.  :)  The rest of the week we will be building more onto the alliteration.  Today we will write Three Part Sentences (Who, does what, and finish the thought)---The first 2 parts are done from yesterday!  Tomorrow we will be completing the Alliteration Activities that I have in my Leap Day Mini-Unit.  I just added 2 pages of certificates for you to print out (on card stock if you wish) and give your students tomorrow when you celebrate this unique day!  (So, if you have already purchased it---go download it again to have the current file!)  Click on the picture to see it at TpT.

(I am NOT sure why there are funny things next to the date on this picture!  I'll look into it---if it's in the file you purchased like that, please let me know and I'll upload again.  They weren't there when I uploaded it yesterday!)

While you are at TpT, I have a great word sorting activity that will probably be in "season" to do in the classroom for a few more weeks!  Students sort Long and Short O words to whether they are hOt or cOld.  :)  Click on the picture to take you there to grab it for yourself if you haven't already!!!

Last, thank you for your purchases, comments, emails, clicking to follow me, etc!!!  I am grateful that I am able to share things with people, and that you find my thoughts and items useful!  It is crazy to me to think that only a few weeks ago, I had 3 followers.  Now I have 32 and growing!  I have over 70 followers on TpT and you have put me in the top 100 for the past 3 weeks!  Not to mention that I've had almost 4,000 visitors from ALL over the world!  I am just in disbelief!  :)  I hope that I can continue to give and share things with you that you will find easy to use in the classroom!  I'm working on a fun little adjective activity that I will post sometime before St. Patrick's Day---it has to do with rainbows and adjectives!  If you haven't already signed up to follow me and are interested---click to follow!  It will be coming soon!  :)

BEST NEWS OF THE DAY!  Teachers Pay Teachers is having a fabulous Once in FOUR year sale-where you can grab anything and everything you like for 10% off!  Because of all of your awesome support that I wrote about above, I will also have my store on sale for 20% off Wednesday only!!  The grand percent off will be 28% (almost 29 in honor of Leap Day)  Please note the code (L2P9Y) you'll need to enter to get the additional 10% off---click on the picture to take yourself to my store!  These sales do NOT come often on TpT.  It's a great way to empty those wish lists!  I plan on stocking up too! :)

I am currently working (and almost complete) with my April Showers Common Core Math games.  I hope to have them posted, along with April Math Story Problem books by tonight for you to be able to purchase on sale for Wednesday!  I'm not so sure that I'll be able to get the Literacy Games for it completed in time.  I don't want to rush, so that it is a quality purchase.


Have a great day and week!

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