
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine's Day and a freebie!

Valentine's Day has taken a different "feel" this year at our school.  We are currently on the way to banning all food from school, other than lunch or things purchased through our food department.  Knowing whether or not we/students were allowed to give candy with Valentine's was questionable.  The verdict right now is that if they gave candy, they must take it home for parents decisions on what they may eat.  So, I haven't really been in the "festive" mood.  We've been doing a lot at home with furniture and painting as well as my daily work for school---that I'm quite behind.  My youngest son, 22 months, JUST got his Valentine list for his daycare room on FRIDAY!  I wasn't going to go out and buy a box for 6 kids.... so I got creative.  We melted crayons in a heart shape to hand out.  I originally found it in pinterest.  While of course that idea is not NEW, I decided to give it a try.  And OH.MY.GOSH!  they turned out to be the CUTEST things..... that I just HAD to make them for my kiddos!  Yesterday.  That's right.  The night before Valentine's Day!  I googled searched for a "saying" cause I did not like the one on Pinterest, and figured there was something "cuter."  Of course, I was right!
Here's all 32 of them for my classes.  I should have made more, but ran out of time.  My 5 extra math kiddos will just get a card from me this year :(  (My 5 year old just told me last night that he needed Valentine's for his friends in his wrap-around Kindergarten class.... which happened to be 5 kids... sigh) 

Up close of the cuteness!  You can find the adorable paper at this blog here:

You'll need to scroll down to the end of her post to download it.  The folded over paper has this cute saying on the back:  "This may look like a sweet treat, but take note, it's not to eat!  Just grab a paper an write 'be mine' and give it to your Valentine!"

Last week in Reading group, my kids were discovering more and more words that just aren't following the rules!  It's so hard to explain to them rules... but then tell them that there are many exceptions.  I was reading around the 'net over the weekend and came across this fun idea at First Last and decided to give it a little "tweak" to fit my room and style.   I can't wait to get them displayed with the kids!  (I glued them onto some bright pink cardstock-for the correct spellings and black for the incorrect)

 Once I get them back from laminating, I'll post a picture of how they look displayed in my room!  Grab a copy for yourself here or click on the picture!!

Thanks for reading!  If you like what you read or download-don't forget to follow me!  I have more freebies and also have some freebies listed at my Teachers Pay Teachers store!  I can't believe I'm up to 35 followers on that site!  What a whirlwind the past 4 weeks have been!  Thank you all for your support and Happy Valentine's Day!  Hope you have a LOVELY day with your kids and loved ones! <3

Edited Feb 15, 2012:  I added more words to the file above---is, done, love and give. 


  1. LOVE this!!! Thank you SO much!! Could you possibly make it in a word template so we can add other words?

    1. I'll see what I can do. I made it in Powerpoint since that's what I've gotten used to using lately :)

  2. Great idea! I love it! One of those things that I am now saying, "Why didn't I think of that?!" LOL
    Your valentines turned out adorably as well!!

    1. Thanks! I totally thought that too when I saw it on the other blog--but I needed it more visual for my kiddos-and wanted it computerized and thought that did the trick! :)

      Thanks for the compliment on the Valentines! I'm totally doing it next year---but making them over the summer! I'm going to have the kiddos peel the crayons on the last few days of school and hand in before leaving. (That will save me some steps and time!!)

  3. Love your idea with the sight words! I used to refer to the rule breakers as "bad words!" - tell me THAT didn't get their attention fast! :)

  4. Love the Jail idea! Thanks Angie!
    Amy Burton

  5. I love what you did for your kiddos for Valentine's Day! How cute! I saw that on Pinterest too and love the saying that you found for it. Perfect! :) I am your newest follower!

    Loving & Learning in Pre-K
