
Monday, July 30, 2012

New {School} Year Resolutions + a winner!

I'm linking up with Teaching Madness to post about my school year resolutions.  Like her, I don't really make or keep New Year's resolutions, but after reading this, I feel like this would be better suited for me!
 1.  Focus on the kids!  I get so distracted by everything else that we are required to do or asked to do.  I need to keep focus on why I am there!
 2.  Have FUN!  Along the lines of the above, I want to make sure that I do not lose sight of the fun school should be for my firsties.  I am trying to keep in mind of what experience I would hope my now FIRST grader (sigh..) would have.  There has been SO much negative going around with education in our state and such a high demand on DATA.  
 3.  Take pictures of things we do!  I seem to go in spurts of what I take pictures of.  Now that we got our new laptops, I think I can handle it because it actually has a SD reader built in!  No more searching for the cords hooking up the camera to get the pics off!
4. Keep my piles of paper down....  this seems like an impossible feat for me.  I'm one of those messy, but organized people.  BUT I hate how it looks.  I hate the time I have to invest when I need my room looking nice.  Now that we are going on year 2 of our new grouping situation, I think I may have a better handle of things!  (well, I can be hopeful...)

What are some of your resolutions?  Click on the pic above to go to Teaching Madness to read other ideas.  I will revisit this list at the end of the year and see if I accomplished anything.  :P

LAST-the big winner of my 300 follower is Brianne M.!  Brianne, we'll all be in touch to send you your goodies!!!!  :)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for linking up, Angie! It's so important not to get caught up in the "data" and remember that school has to be FUN to win those little hearts over! Thanks for reminding us of this! ;)

    Teaching Maddeness
