
Friday, January 10, 2014

Classroom Snowball Fights!

We've been back to school now for what was supposed to be 7 days... however we had a snow day thrown in there and another day off because of the COLD!  There may have been a delay in there too, but I seriously cannot remember!  Does anyone know how many more days till summer?!?!

All this cold had inspired me to create some fun games to keep my kiddos attention, not to mention keep them awake!  They've been having trouble getting into the swing of things, and this fit the bill!

Snowball fights!

After a quick intro/lesson on the topic, I pass out recording sheets for the kids to write their names on.  Then I pass out the papers with what they will be sorting and/or answering.  {In the pack I have all of the words or number sentences typed out, but I also have a list of what is used so you can use scrap paper}  After going over the rules (no throwing at peoples faces... no running... etc..) the kids crumble up the paper that I had just given them (NOT the recording sheet!)

Give them 30 seconds or less to throw snowballs.  (I also crumble a few extras, because when it's time to find a snowball, there are always ones that get "lost" somewhere in the room... I mean, they are throwing them!)

I call out "macaroni and cheese" and they respond "everybody freeze!"  (Of course you could do your own thing there.  They grab the nearest snowball and head back to their desks.  I trained them to STAND and write--saves valuable seconds for this activity! ;)  They write their word (or number sentence, etc) where it belongs and crumbles the paper back up.

We repeat a few times.  (If they happen to get the same snowball, I tell them to switch it out with one of the extra balls laying around)  Sometimes we get more rounds in, sometimes less.  Depends on the day they are having.  I do NOT do it till they fill in the whole paper!

After this part is done, I allow them to take the snowball home that they had last, or they recycle.  It's funny.  I over hear my kids trying to persuade others to give them their ball.  They want to play it at home!  ha ha!

Then it's independent work time.  These activities vary, but the task is always very similar for the kids.  My goal when designing things is that it's very routine.  I don't want to spend time teaching the task EVERY TIME.  Plus, it helps them become more comfortable as well!

If you are interested in seeing what all is included in the packs, click on the pictures below.  OR I have them bundled together.  I plan on using these throughout the winter season.  No need to overkill it right now.  In fact, I may even use them as a "class reward!"    

 **I also have a bundled version HERE**

***Important note:  I have done these at different times during the day, however---if you want your kids to go home excited and ready to talk to parents about their day-do it during the last 20-40 minutes of your day!  Guaranteed giggles and excitement.


  1. I love this idea! I actually read about something similar the other day but it was used as an ice breaker. Students write 3 things they don't think anyone else knows about them, crumble and throw. Then they pick one up and try to guess who it belongs to!

  2. Great idea! I have been doing something similar but it's very impromptu. I will check out your packets for sure!
    Dirt Road Teacher
