What it is: It's a broadcasting social media app. You can broadcast ideas and things to anyone in the world! OR... if you aren't quite as adventurous... you can just comment and give love (AKA hearts) by tapping the screen while listening to a fellow teacher (or anyone). It's a WONDERFUL way for teachers to connect around the world. To collaborate and share ideas! The best thing is that you DON'T HAVE TO HAVE A BLOG to participate! I am in love with it, and am quite the introvert, until I'm comfortable around people... I had this app 1 day before I broadcasted out to the world! I was even talking to about 100 people for one of them. (not to mention the many people who watch replays!) OH.MY.WORD!!!!!!
The downside to it is that the broadcasts only stay up for 24 hours for replays.... so you have to watch fast! (there are ways to record, but I'm not going into details here... google it and you will find the easy ways) ;)
Come find me here:
{user name is @rulintheroost; you can view this periscope for another 15 hours or so}
Now, I even worked with a few other teachers Third Grade from the Edge and Cooking Up Success and we started a Periscope Teacher Challenge, to get teachers to jump on board and get their feet wet with periscope. If you haven't done one yet, I'm not challenging YOU to do it! You can save the following image to your instagram account, if you have one---and then tag 3 teacher friends to do the same after you! I never created a hashtag before, and now there are over 80 posts, 2 days into it! (and many other who took the challenge but didn't post it on IG)
Since that took off, I didn't want it to end there. Now we are going to have a monthly #periscopeteacherchallenge that we will also tag the phrase #teachertiptuesdayS and also tag it to our instagrams so that we know when to watch. (don't forget to add that S at the end so we have these together! Doesn't have to be a capital letter though)
Here are the detail for the rest of July. You are challenged to periscope 2-3 tips about "rebooting" in the summer and getting ready for the next school year. {I know there are only 2 tuesdays left in July, so it will be a quick on} On any Tuesday (or any day really), periscope your tips. Post the image on your IG account, if you have one, and just keep it brief to what you were talking about. Make the people come watch you! But, having the image will also help others remember what you talked about once your broadcast is gone.....
I thought about making it weekly, but let's face it... once school starts, I don't think it will be something you will want to be doing every day or even every week! And by posting them Tuesdays, we'll know when to look for ideas!
I hope that you'll be up for the challenge! This is such a unique way for educators to come together for the better of our kids! Here are some hashtags to look for: #periscopeteachers #periscope4teachers #periscopechallenge #periscopeteacherchallenge