I thought I'd take time to show you how I organize my math stations
and math teaching materials. Back when we taught by chapters with a
Math Program, I had binders where I placed all kinds of
worksheets/activities inside to go with each chapter. I labeled them by
what chapter and skill and how many days to spend on it.
second picture is of the binders in a box at home, not on my shelf at
school. I brought them home to organize this summer!}
are those days! I have decided to move away from "chapters" especially
since we are on our THIRD program in the past 11 years. (2 in the past
3 years..) I've decided to create Standards Binders. Math was easier
to create, partially because I was one of the teachers who helped align
our curriculum to the new CCSSs (I guess they aren't really new anymore,
right?!) and math is my strong point. {Next year we move to our "new"
LA curriculum, but I can't really create binders to go with those... We
will be teaching "themes" so I will be creating ways to organize things
by themes. I'll post more on that another day, when I know I can wrap
my head around it better. I taught by themes this past year, as you
know by what I've been posting and also creating.}

binders are pretty simple right now. (I have updated the font since
last year) I'm still dividing up my old binders and sorting them into
the new ones. In each binder, I plan to have dividers and organize them
by standard, as best as I can.
As I find things, I will put it
in a pile to file
right into my binder. {I WILL DO IT RIGHT AWAY! okay. hopefully that
will help me remember that since I usually end up with a bazillion
papers to file at the end of the year...} In the front of each, I have
the standards for each domain. (From my
stations are pretty simple as well. Since they are "themed" right now
(By the way, I do plan on having some newer non-themed ones to go along
with the standards---to use ANY time of the year... I just have to find
the "just right clip art" if you know what I mean! Feel free to comment
below on what you'd like to see!!!) My stations are designed to print,
laminate, cut and go. I store them all in ziplock bags. When they are
done every 2 weeks, I put them ALL into ONE gallon sized ziplock baggie
and pace them in a magazine file. {I do the same with my literacy
stations too---and put them in the SAME magazine holder-so they stay
together.} My masters are just stored on my computer. Less papers, ya
know! You can do the same, whether you bought from me or anyone.
Teachers Pay Teachers allows you to have access to what you bought
forever! Saves room on your computer. Saves time trying to find the
right file. PERFECT!

{Baggies containing all of my stations. Inside each bag are other baggies with each game/station}
{Front row of magazine holders. Labels coming soon! This year was spent organizing to how I like it--now I can label!}
{Back row-I can fit 2 rows on my shelves}
{They are tucked behind laminated poster boards that I use for displays! You'd never know they were there!}
am putting my binder covers and spines in this post for you to have for
free. WARNING. I made these last year, when I wasn't so savvy (not
that I am yet either...) but they take forever to print. MAKE SURE TO
PRINT AS IMAGE FOR FASTEST PRINTING! (once you click the print button,
click on the "advanced" tab and find "print as image" This works for at
least macs. Not sure about PC's) I'll try to work out the bugs. My
spines just wouldn't go into my binder either.... hopefully you'll have
more luck. I think it was the binders I bought. They are small enough
when I print them here! So, I just laminated them and taped them on my
binder. Still looks cute ;)
Click on your grade level to to grab your freebie:
They kind of match my
Common Core Standards Checklists.
Leave a comment below with what grade you teach and I will pick a
winner (or 2) to give a free Common Core Checklist of your choice! I'll
choose a random winner tomorrow night! Congrats to numbers 3 and 11. I've emailed you!! Check your emails! :)