I wanted to share what I do in my classroom with class books. By no means am I the creator of this! We frequently, weekly/bi-weekly write to a prompt that I turn into a class book. Sometimes it's more than a prompt and it's the kids writing "research" about different things we've done in other areas. I bind them with a page in the back for parents to sign and write a positive comment to the class. The students love sharing these books with their parents! (Not to mention, it also gives parents a glimpse inside the classroom to see how their own child is doing! Are they writing as much as the others? Is their handwriting readable??)
Of course, my freebie is a little late to use this year, if you are one to want to do it BEFORE Valentine's Day, but it is something you can do afterwards. I had my kids write what they thought "Love is in the air" means. I LOVE their responses. This one was all their writing--no rewriting. I did underwrite a few words to help parents out. Take a look at a few of their pages:
Click {HERE} to grab yourself the writing page and the book cover for "Love is in the air."
I also had my kids write to Mother Nature before we left on Wednesday, since the big nor'easter was heading our way.... and we might not see each other for 5 days... Here's a few of their adorable responses!
Click {HERE} to grab yourself a copy of the writing page and class book cover for Mother Nature. (Mother Earth is also in there, since that's what I used first... It was a spur of the moment activity and what I had created for Earth Day last year!)
This is the parent sheet I put behind every book made, and I also have a copy of the note I send home with the first few books. I send the books home in ziploc bags. I tried big envelopes... laminated and not. Neither lasted. Ziplocs are cheap and easy! And so far the books have held up just fine by going to all 20 homes! {click on the pictures to download a copy for yourself!}
LAST-what I do with the books at the end of the year! I disassemble the books and create books for each student to take home filled with all of their writing throughout the year. It's a great keepsake. If you read THIS post, there's a little bit of info about the covers I used at the end of the post. (freebie too!)
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