I fell in love with Melonheadz's Troll set, so I used them as my "theme" and actually gave each student a little troll with their award, but it isn't necessary-and apparently hard to find this year.
I have found these cute things that I think my kiddos will enjoy-if I can remember to order them in time with all of the chaos of my life right now! ha!
And these rings could be a hit too!
We aren't allowed to use food, so that is just another thing that limited me last year. There are just SO many cute food related ones.... But, non-food items get SO darn expensive!
The award includes:
Fabulous Friend
Most Improved
Future Environmentalist
Star Worker
Future Hollywood Star
Most Enthusiastic
Free Spirit
Biggest Heart
Future Teacher
Sweet Storyteller
Sweet Words
Super Helper
Outstanding Behavior
Super Leader
Future Author
Class Comic
Team Player
Organizational Royalty
Handwriting Queen/Handwriting Hero
Mad Scientist
Problem Solver
Rad Reader
You can find these in my store {HERE} Color version is included, as well as a black and white version to save money with color. Just print on colored paper or cardstock!
Also, I've been quite behind with everything going on with my life-both personal and professional--and completely missed the email about the TPT sale!!!!! I'm putting my store up for 20% off Tuesday and Wednesday---and enter code TPTXO for an additional 10% for 28% off total! I have to get organized and figure out what goodies I'll pick up for myself! I can never NOT get something when there's the big sale!!!!! =)
I always had a hard time finding the perfect award set. Last year I created my own. Hockey Awards