This week we wrapped up our Skippyjon Jones books and fun. It's kinda sad. They had such a blast reading and loved learning some Spanish words along the way!
During reading, we worked in 2 groups to do a Reader's Theater-Skippyjon Jones, Lost in Spice! You can find the script here on Skippy's website. (Click on "for teachers" It's free!) I had the kids choose and problem solve in groups over the parts they wanted. Lesson learned--next year, I'm going to "randomly" choose the parts. I had a few parts that needed switching due to the amount of text to read and the pace/volume of the kids' voices.. They did actually do well with problem solving. After practicing it for a day or 2, I gave each student a 9X12 piece of white construction paper. They wrote their character's name and drew their pics of their character. I tied it around their neck with yarn.
(I didn't get any pics of the play as I was recording their "shows" to put on my school website for their parents to see. They were just adorable---especially with that expression!!!!)
In writing, we worked on CREATIVE writing this week! Creative?! What's that these days??? On Tuesday (we had a special day on Monday, and didn't have our Reading time), the kids brainstormed ideas of where their closets would take them, if it could. Wednesday was spent drawing on plain white construction paper (9X12 size), held up and down, like a door ;) Thursday they spent time writing what happens in the picture. They used the following paper (look below for the link to grab this page):
Friday, we decorated brown construction paper to look like a door. I even had them include a little name sign for their doors. I stapled the door to their pictures and stapled their writing to the bottom of their pictures. I hung them in the hallway---not sure why at this point in the year, but the kids were so proud of them. They just HAD to be displayed somewhere--even if we only have 20+ days of school left! :)
Some of my littles used more than one sheet of this writing. I just stapled them all on top of on another, so you need to flip to continue to read. I just love how they incorporated some of the phrases that they found in Skippyjon's books! {I just realized that I forgot to snap a picture of the display in the hallway before running out of school this afternoon! I will add it next week!}
Check out these darling pictures!
{The door}
{Open the door and you'll see.... this one is the Great Wall of China!}
{This one is just the desert}
{Attached at the bottom is their writing---this one is about the Great Wall of China--she has a second page too, that I didn't snap a pic of}
{More writing---I love this---she bounced on her BIG GIRL BED!}
{I love this one too---he wrote that Skippy started to sing!}
Some of my littles used more than one sheet of this writing. I just stapled them all on top of on another, so you need to flip to continue to read. I just love how they incorporated some of the phrases that they found in Skippyjon's books! {I just realized that I forgot to snap a picture of the display in the hallway before running out of school this afternoon! I will add it next week!}
Click {HERE} to grab the copy of the writing page. I haven't updated my Skippito pack-ito yet, to include this, but it is coming. I had one more idea that I'm going to be adding to the packet, as soon as I can get a chance to make it "packet worthy" for you all! Once I do, I'll make sure to let you know to go download it again!